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Updated: 2024-03-16

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023, November, December - Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The park.

The park.

The Park.



Park residents.

The Park Khao Yai.

The Park Khao Yai.

The Park Khao Yai.

The Park Khao Yai.

The Park Khao Yai.

The Park Khao Yai.

Ban Tha Chang Spring.

Ban Tha Chang Spring.

Ban Tha Chang Spring.

Ban Tha Chang Spring.

We slept moderately last night in the Phu Wanalee Resort, which we usually have in a new environment and a new bed.
. It is quiet in the resort, we heard little noise from the wooded area in the resort park.

The breakfast is not that great, we can choose from American breakfast with eggs prepared in different ways, or from rice soup or fried rice.
We can get bread and fruit and such, but the coffee is not what we like. The staff is friendly and very helpful.

When we go back to the room we are approached by a lady from the hotel who draws our attention to something that should be very nice, The Park Khao Yai, near the hotel. The room is already being cleaned and someone there also tells us about that park.
But first we walk through the hotel park, a beautiful area with bungalows here and there, and lots of trees and plants, lots of them. A beautiful park. We hear from employees that hornbills can occasionally be seen.
Tom is trying to book a tour via the internet for tomorrow at PB Valley Khao Yai Winery, tonight we will know if he was successful.
We first drive along the Thanaratch Road to see where we can possibly have dinner tonight.

Then we look for The Park, we first find a large and empty parking lot, we drive back a bit and then find another parking lot with more (but not many) cars.
We park there and look around. It is mainly a large restaurant in a large garden with houses in European, Mexican, Japanese, etc. style and buildings (especially bridges) from those same countries or regions.
We don't think it's that spectacular.

Then we drive to a spring, Ban Tha Chang Spring. We find the spring easily, and park the car in a tight parking lot, later we discover two more large parking lots.
First we eat something at one of the food stalls, nothing special but it is filling.
Pia has to go to the toilet, 10 Thb, and she gets stuck when she wants to go outside, it is quickly resolved, it seems to happen more often.
There is also a coffee stall and we haven't had coffee yet today. We order two espressos, very strong, but tasty.

The source itself is a short river with some (manufactured) waterfalls and very blue water, no food is allowed in so the water seems very clean. You can also rent canoes there.

We continue to the Khao Yai Floating Market, about 20 km further. When we arrive, what we notice most is the large, very empty parking lot. So we drive back to the resort.
The petrol is starting to run out, we look for a petrol pump and fill up there.
A little further, in Mu Si, we come across a shop, the EU Wine Shop, where we stop for a moment because Pia has run out of white wine. We buy two bottles of wine there and continue driving.
We take a look at a restaurant recommended by the resort, Krua Khao Yai, but we don't like it, it's too big and too massive. There is a small restaurant nearby with a lot of choice, we like it much better, we will probably come back there.
Further on we want to have a drink at Hop cafe, but it is still closed.
Then we'll just have a drink in the hotel. The confirmation for a tour for tomorrow has been received.
And have dinner at the small restaurant we just saw. It's tasty as we expected.
We spend the rest of the evening in the room.

Written on: 2023-11-29


We tell what we have done and experienced during a trip and we also tell what we think about it; no more and no less.

This is not a travel guide, nor is it advice to visit a place or not. There are other sites for that.
Our opinion about places where we have eaten, drunk or slept is not intended as a (positive or negative) assessment, there are other sites for that.
It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.